Links for learning how to wet shave with a double-edge safety razor:
r/wicked_edge - Forum that
taught me how to wet shave.
[Leisureguy's Guide to Gourmet
Shaving]( -
The definitive guide to get started.
[Mantic59's Youtube
Channel]( - Great resource
to learn to shave with a DE.
My current shave set-up:
Razorock Stealth Slant Razor -
My current razor. Arguably the best razor ever made.
Red Personna Israeli Double Edge Razor Blades -
The blades that work best for my face after much experimentation.
Claus Porto Musgo Real Classic Glycerine Lime Oil Soap - Great prep soap.
For prepping your beard. This helps lock in the moisture.
Super Large Silvertip Badger Shaving Brush - My favorite brush.
Geo F. Trumper Sandalwood Soft Shaving Cream - My favorite shave cream.
Dirty Bird Scuttles - My favorite scuttle.
Geo F. Trumper Coral Skin Food - I use this in the pre-shave and on the wet-pass. Makes everything really slick.
RazoRock Alum Block - Best alumn block. Alumn blocks are a mild antiseptic, which can help in conjunction with other products to avoid infected ingrown hairs or acne.
Thayer’s Witch Hazel - Important for post-shave skin health.
Old Spice After Shave - This also helps to disinfect post-shave.
Castle Forbes Lime Essential Oil Aftershave Balm - Smells amazing and makes your skin silky smooth.
My current routine (~25 minutes once to twice a week):
Put blade into razor.
Wash face with prep soap (if showering beforehand, I'll usually use
CeraVe face wash instead of the Musgo).
Hold towel with hot water to beard for about 2 minutes.
Apply shave oil thoroughly.
Fill sink and inside scuttle with hot water.
Wet brush and let out a shake's worth of water.
Put nickle worth of shave cream into scuttle and build lather to rich foam.
Brush cream into face in order to exfoliate and build foam further. Use paintbrush method to apply an even layer.
Shave down
Reapply lather
Shave across, inwards
Reapply cream
Shave across, outwards
Rinse then apply skin food
Do wet pass to touch up. Apply j-hook and blade buffing where applicable.
Rinse and apply alum with head of block wet.
Clean sink area
Rinse and apply witch hazel and let it dry a little
Apply after shave
Rinse shave brush, wring it out, and dry.
Apply after-shave balm.
Dispose of blade in blade bank.
Rinse razor in rubbing alcohol.