
House - Timeline

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Placed offer on house

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Offer accepted

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Got official mortgage commitment letter

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Inspection found several issues: cut roof trusses in

    order to allow for passage of ductwork, carpenter ants, and

    code/leakage issues ith HVAC. All other issues were minor.

  • xxxx-xx-xx: A/C ductwork removed in preparation for missing truss

    framing replacement - Seller did it

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Missing truss framing replaced - Stan - Seller expense


  • xxxx-xx-xx: Safety valve added to boiler, oil leak near burner

    sealed, barometric damper added to burner, AC intake next to old

    furnace sealed, old furnace disconnected, ductwork re-routed under

    new truss framing - Seller did it

  • 2016-12-21: Closed on house - $470,000

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Installed Verizon FiOS

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Signed up for Republic garbage service and got trash can


  • 2016-12-28: Previous owners officially moved out. They were pack

    rats, so took them a lot longer than expected. The shed was

    especially problematic. Made them deconstruct and remove a dangerous

    trampoline as well.

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Replaced all locks bolts and knobs (internal & external)

    and added Schlage Connect smart-screen lock to front door ~$650

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Chose paint colors with professional consultant. -

    Trish - $100

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Painting - Kitchen, pub room, Dan's office, Robyn's

    office (removed wicker panels and painted), guest room, guest bath,

    master bath, master, removal of guest bath mirror and wall patching.

    (Nick - painter) - $2,500

  • xxxx-xx-xx: x2 California closets in master $2,400

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Fans and lighting - Fan in guest room, high-hats and fan

    in one office, fan in other office, fan in bedroom, light in master

    closet, outlet in coat closet for alarm panel, new LED dimmers in

    kitchen, electronic timers for front lights and back motion lights

  • xxxx-xx-xx: All switches accounted for except far right switch in

    foyer, external outlet near doorbell dead, likely related, also

    appliance outlet in garage dead. Attic fan should turn on

    automatically based upon temperature. Will need to see if that

    works. - Milan (electrician) - $2,000

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Guest room carpet removal and installation of new

    underlay - $50

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Discovery of ant nest in office closet baseboard and

    re-treatment by Arkadia under warranty, found sawdust around entire

    closet baseboard. Need to seal exterior cracks by Dan's office

    closet and Great Groom. Need to move logs away from house and get a

    tree person for remove trees touching house, trim back bushes, and

    remove dead stumps and logs

  • 2017-01-28: Moved in

  • 2017-02-02: Changed location of bathroom outlet to allow for larger

    mirror - $100 (Milan)

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Found out kitchen hood is not working, fridge damper

    motor malfunctioning, oven not closing properly - placed home

    warranty claims

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Oven fixed by Sears (no fee, trays were in backwards and

    convection only kicks in after a certain temp is reached)

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Fridge damper motor replaced by Mr. Appliance - $100

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Replaced all lights except in the Great Room with

    LED's, master bathroom needs and LED dimmer - $60

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Replaced Robyn's office blinds, installed blinds in

    master bath, and corrected blinds in Dan's office - Cashed in loose

    change - $80

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Repainting of office and touch up throughout - $145

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Hauled away old plastic bin of construction material,

    breakfront glass top, and Formica armoire - $450 (Junk-a-holics)

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Installed FrontPoint $350 parts, $50/month 36 month

    contract then month-over-month.

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Replaced most interior door knobs and light switch

    plates - $400

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Purchased x2 U-line industrial workbenches for shed.

    Seller delivered! - $340 (Craigslist)

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Purchased miter saw and guest room Pergo flooring (Home

    Depot) - $550

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Found and removed mouse nest from shed

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Installed mirror and shower curtain in guest bath. Got

    plungers and toilet brushes - $60

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Installed liner in kitchen cabinets and under sink -


  • xxxx-xx-xx: Removed shelves from Dan's office closet in

    anticipation of work to re-insulate, expand, and finish the closet

  • 2017-02-26: Labeled most breakers on electrical panel

  • 2017-02-26: Front lamp post failed

  • 2017-02-27: Installed SkyBell - Include with FrontPoint

  • 2017-02-27: Dan's office/pub room/foyer/front lights breaker

    tripped and shorting. Front lamp post causing short when its

    electronic timer in on position

  • 2017-02-27: Found that the outlet under the door lamp was on the

    same circuit controlled by the timer. Outlet was badly rusted, so

    was replaced. The electric then runs underground to a lamp by the

    walkway, which was broken, but had a good connection from the

    source. From that lamp, there looks to be a short to the lamp post.

    Need to dig there and find the box (or lack thereof) and have Milan

    replace it with a special tubed box that is to code, then will

    provide a new walkway lamp and lamp post/top since the old one is

    falling apart. Will also replace the door lamp as well in order to

    match. Added a USB charge receptacle to kitchen, replaced old creepy

    hanging light with outlet in the workshop in order to hang shop LED

    fixture. Kitchen cabinet underlighting needs electronic dimmer in

    order to get rid of flickering. - $120 (Milan), $40 parts

  • 2017-02-28: Office LED light in wall lamp started malfunctioning.

    Replaced bulb and works fine.

  • 2017-03-10: Clothes washing machine water stopped working. Is

    running dry. Created new home warranty claim.

  • 2017-03-11: Technician repaired washing machine by replacing

    drainage motor. - $100 (Appliance Science)

  • 2017-03-11: Removed outdoor log holder and logs from house and moved

    into woods until it could be dumped. Also had to remove a large

    leave pile around it. Underneath the pile was a pile of

    miscellaneous bricks and a cinder block, which were stacked next to

    the wood pile in the woods awaiting full removal. Researching

    cheaper ways to dispose of large junk.

  • 2017-03-11: Did taxes and discussed benefits of home equity loans

    with accountant. Will need it in order to pay for gas conversion.

    That will provide the greatest tax advantage, if I role student loan

    debt into it. - $250 (Jeorge)

  • 2017-03-14: Major blizzard. Only issue was icing on walkway next


  • 2017-03-15: Neighbor's kid's friend accidentally backed into

    mailbox, snapping it in half, then drove off. Was able to repair in

    the workshop and then spend a very long time shoveling. Need a

    better approach to clearing the driveway.

  • 2017-03-16: Fridge water dispenser started leaking heavily. Home

    warranty claim in motion.

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Sears came out the next day and we found the shutoff

    valved for the fridge water in a door panel above the baseboard in

    the pub room. The water is hard and sediment built up throughout the

    fridge's water system. The leakage was from both ice buildup and


  • xxxx-xx-xx: Sears came back and replaced the reservoir and piece

    that directs the flow of water. Had to immediately change the filter

    in order to get rid of the cloudy water and not contaminate the new

    parts. After about two weeks, the water is almost as clear as the

    sink. - $100

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Tested water levels. Negative for bacteria, lead,

    pesticides, and chlorine. Water is hard at 120ppm. Ph is higher end

    of normal at ~8ppm. Nitrate/Nitrite is .5 ppm and Nitrite is 0. So


  • 2017-03-27: We are officially getting a dog on April 17th!

  • 2017-04-03: Jamie (tree guy) came by to assess the tree situation.

    He said that it would be way too expensive for me to clean up

    everything in one go. Instead he recommended taking down a large

    tree that was overhanging the house and had a hole through it at the

    base, he was able to put his hand into the hole and pull out sawdust

    and show light through. He said that it was a matter of time before

    the tree came down and caused some major damage. There was another

    that had a very aggressive lean over the bedroom. He recommended

    taking these down and the one in front that was touching the roof

    and electrical line and was where the ant problem was found.

  • 2017-04-04: Mr. Appliance came back to install the range exhaust

    hood and claimed that they could not because it was hard-wired and

    the new one required an outlet. Additionally, the duct was smaller

    than the new one, lastly, the grout would be torn up and tile damage

    may result. Considering my options.

  • 2017-04-05: Jamie came back with a large crew that trimmed up the

    two large trees in front (more light to rid front lawn of moss), got

    rid of the pile of wood covered in thorn bushes by the shed/workshop

    and cut down the three trees that needed to go. They ground out the

    stumps of two out of the three trees (one stump was in rocks) as

    well as another stump in front by the walkway, one in back by the

    great room (from tree that fell on the porch during either Irene or

    Sandy resulting in the previous owner enclosing the porch) and

    another in the far back. $2,400

  • 2017-04-08: Milan stopped by could not figure out where the box

    connecting the lamps was. It looks like the line from the front door

    straddles the house, leading up to the driveway. I think that they

    put the line under the driveway. I'm going to dig at the corner in

    order to find the box as time permits. He installed an LED dimmer in

    the master bath and then showed me that there was not enough room

    inside the exhaust hood duct cover for an outlet. Calling the

    manufacturer to discuss options. - $25

  • 2017-04-09: Jeff (landscaper) came and cleaned up the leaves in the

    front and back, trimmed all the shrubs and bushes, did something

    with a blower machine to the front lawn, and chopped down the ugly

    tall grass around the mailbox. $450, will be $50 a mowing 1-3

    times/mo in summer.

  • 2017-04-10: Exterminator came and sprayed the backyard for ticks,

    fleas, mosquitos, ants, etc.. Sprayed the inside for everything

    else. Very nice people. After spraying, many spiders, etc came out,

    but now the flow of insects has tapered off significantly. All

    products used were natural and non-toxic. - (Arkardia) ~$1150/yr

  • 2017-04-17: We picked up our 11 week old AusieDoodle F1b (Poodle)

    puppy, Layla from the airport. Brought here out in a crate that said

    live cargo. Just like picking up baggage, but left with a new member

    of the family. She came from a reputable breeder in Kentucky.

    (Sunset Hill Farms) - $1500 one-time cost, (Trupanion pet

    insurance) $65/month. Many more monthly costs it seems.

  • 2017-04-26: Almost done with flooring in guest room. Got nail gun

    and compressor and put back baseboards. Need to caulk and install

    quarter-round molding to hide expansion gap in Pergo. - $150

  • 2017-04-30: Next door neighbor got burglarized. Need to install

    surveillance cameras.

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Bought memory foam mattress for guest room on Prime Day

    for ~$180

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Also got an umbrella and base on amazon for ~$75

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Installed attic drop-down latter in hall to give

    sufficient access in order to raise/mount new A/C unit into attic.


  • xxxx-xx-xx: Found exhaust fans are likely malfunctioning due to

    attic temperature. Got estimate for office closet re-insulation,

    tiling, and second attic access latter for the other half of the

    house. ~$1300

  • xxxx-xx-xx: Carpenter ants are back in the office. Wasps and other

    bees are being harbored by rose/flower tree up against the house,

    which is letting them in when we open the Great Room door.

    Identified a wasp in the kitchen as a Spider Wasp. We have these

    because there is a spider problem. The spiders are here because of

    other bugs. Having Arkadia re-treat since we have unlimited.

  • 2017-07-29: Found bird nest in oil input box, which the previous

    owner made look like a bird house.

  • 2017-07-29: Got back to the Guest Room project. Bought more caulk,

    paint, and tools. Cleaned up previous caulking attempt after

    learning how to use a water bucket, finger, and sponge which allows

    for the removal of excess caulk from the wall without damaging the

    paint. There were not enough YouTube videos explaining this. Figured

    that the water would ruin the paint, but that is not the case at

    all. Needed to see it from a professional. Used 20 minute drying

    caulk. Don't buy the caulk tool kit from Home Deport. Was a waste

    of money. ~$100

  • 2017: gas line installed. ~8k

  • 2017: Hidden fence installed. ~1k

  • 2017: Office closet false wall removed floor tiled, several beams

    sistered with new ones due to carpenter ant damage, new insulation

    added to all external walls including garage, light, and attic

    ladder access added. Met $1300 estimate Plus $200 tip.

  • Oct 2017- May 2018: Laundry / boiler room and existing HVAC system,

    ductwork, furnace, boiler, condenser, and air handlers and oil tank

    removed. Extension of baseboard in office. New baseboard in office

    supply closet. New A/C vent in supply closet. I ripped up the tile

    in the laundry room and waterproofed the floors, re-tiled. New gas

    instant-hot modulating boiler installed, wall and door built between

    laundry and boiler area, new washer, dryer, and vent installed. New

    A/C systems and fresh ductwork installed with new thermostats. $22k

    HVAC, $1k electrical, $2.5k laundry renovation, $3.5k new

    machines. $29k

  • 2018-02: Winter storm caused large branches to come down in front

    and back. Bought gas mulch chipper, $600 and chainsaw $150.


  • 2018-03: Stink bugs are back

  • 2018-04: Sugar ants are back. Exterminator performed seasonal indoor

    treatment and first round of outdoor. $100/month. Gardener did

    seasonal cleanup $400.

  • 2018-05: Millipedes, spiders, and flies are back. Gardener started

    mowing lawns again. ~$55 after tax per mow. 3-4 times a month.

  • 2018-05: Boiler has not been working properly. Troubleshooting by

    pressure testing each loop.

  • 2018-05: Starting specing out backyard projects, which include a

    French drain and basin for the mud problem on the side of the house

    (and pavers), pathway through the wooded area in the center of the

    yard, and fence.

  • 2018-06: Found the the loop with the leak. Was a badly rusted joint.

    Repair made boiler work properly after cleaning flow sensor.

  • 2018-07: Tore down storage loft in garage. Mounted garage opening to


  • 2018-08: Cleaned up attic wiring, created a channel, crawlspaces,

    wired new garage switches, lights, outlets, and door sensors.

  • 2018-10: Installed new recessed light in master bedroom

  • 2019-02: Installed new shower kit in guest bathroom and extended gas

    line into fireplace. $600 labor, $160 parts

  • 2019-02: Sugar ants are back. Found their nest in the wall near the

    tub in the guest bathroom.

  • 2019-02: Spackeled garage walls and patched foundation. Ran

    electrical to fireplace. Installed outdoor and guest room outlets on

    same circuit. Removed fireplace mantel and surrounding marble


  • 2019-xx-xx: Installed gas fireplace insert. $6000

  • 2019-xx-xx: Installed garage ladder to attic. $350

  • 2019-xx-xx: Fixed leaking pipe in boiler room and added magnetic

    iron deposit catcher to boiler configuration. $1250

  • 2019-xx-xx: Installed patio sliding door. $2k

  • 2020-xx-xx: Wired Great Room with ethernet to TV and all exterior

    points plus two romex runs. $550

  • 2020-xx-xx: Added backyard flood light at roof crown and Ethernet

    surveillance cameras. $250

  • 2020-07-17: Installed new patio sliding door panel after old one

    shattered from weed wacker kicking up a rock. $550 (neighbor did

    free install)

  • 2020-08-19: Removed three large trees in middle of yard and filled

    in the giant ditch that they formed with fill, then top soil, and

    seeded with grass. $6k

  • 2021-03-24: Water filter housing exploded due to too much pressure

    from city water. Added smart whole house flood shutoff ball valve,

    spin down sediment filter, moved big blue filters to after softener,

    added a third, added UV water filter, added filter system bypass,

    pressure gauge, and added pathogen killing device to A/C. $6k

  • 2023-05-xx: Master shower packing had to be rebuilt. Plumber saved us from a larger job by dealing with the components instead of a full replace. $250
  • 2023-10-27: Both toilet gaskets needed to be replaced due to leakage. $400
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