Coffee - Clever Drip Method
Equipment / Ingredients
- Clever Coffee Dripper
- Melitta Cone Filter #4
- Bonavita Electric Kettle
- Mr. Coffee Burr Mill Grinder
- Kitchen Scale
Good Coffee (Arabica Medium Roast)
- General method (will vary based on the coffee)
- Measure 23g preground (~2 AeroPress scoops)
- Place filter in Clever Drip
- Grind on drip setting, slightly leaning towards French Press
- Heat 200F water
- Place Clever Drip on scale
- Put grounds in filter evenly
- Pour 1.5-2oz water for bloom
- Wait 30s
- Add up to 11.5oz over 30 seconds
- Place cover on and wait 2-3 minutes
- Place Clever Drip on coffee cup and let drip for about 30 seconds or until majority of liquid empties
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