Avocado Mayonnaise
Makes about a 1.5 cups of mayo
1 Large egg (as local and organic as you can find)
.5 tsp salt
1.5 tbps water
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp dijon mustard or other mustard
1 tsp white or apple cidar vinegar
1 cup olive, macadamia, or avocado oil. It needs to be quality and light or there will be a bad aftertaste
Immersion blender with blender attachment
Cylindrical container, like a mason jar, beaker, or Chinese food quart-size soup container.
Option 1: Pasteurize egg (recipe stays in fridge likely a month, maybe two)
Bring sous vide to 165F
Place egg in sous vide for 10 minutes
Pull egg out and check with laser thermometer that egg is in 160's.
Option 2: Buy pasteurized/irradiated eggs (same shelf life as option 1, maybe better)
Option 3: Don't pasteurize (stays in fridge for about a week)
Crack egg and extract yolk
Run yolk under warm water for a few seconds if not using a method that already warmed the egg
Add yolk, water, lemon juice, vinegar, and oil to container
Blend on high, moving up and down and around after the emulsion starts to form
Add salt (or sriracha) and run on high while mixing. Taste and reapply as needed
Store in same container with lid
You need to have some water, lemon juice, or vinegar from the start or it absolutely won't work.
The cold yolk makes it more runny, which may make it harder to emulsify.
If the emulsion breaks, redo the recipe in a new container, but substitute the old mixture for half of the oil and then when it all takes hold, start adding even more of the old mixture.